Elevate your photography skills: learn how to use your camera confidently.

Welcome to your comprehensive guide to mastering your camera and transforming your photography skills! Whether you're a beginner or looking to sharpen your skills, these in-depth tutorials will help you understand the key elements of photography and take control of your camera with confidence!

How To Master Your Camera

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What We Cover In This Course!

Lesson 1: Know Your Limitations

Understanding the limitations on your particular camera body or the lenses you have access to is crucial to being confident in any given photography situation. In this video we discuss what those limitations might be, whether it's a camera limitation... or maybe its... you?

Lesson 2: Exposure Meter

The exposure meter is a tool that is on EVERY camera, whether it's an old film camera or a new DSLR/Full Frame camera. Learning how to understand the exposure meter is going to be essential to getting your photos looking how you see them in your creative eye. Some like it over exposed, some prefer to underexpose their images, but lets start by understanding how to get proper exposure first!

Lesson 3: Aperture

Understanding the aperture of a lens might be one of the most important parts of this course. The aperture is the first line of light that gets let into your camera, so understanding how to use this as a tool for exposure, but also to understand the limitations each creative decisions gives you is critical in getting a good image. Aperture is so much more than just creating bokeh, or blur, or that shallow depth of field. Lets dive in!

Lesson 4: Shutter Speed

Your aperture and shutter speed work together to create proper exposure, but it's so much more than just how fast the shutter opens and closes. Your shutter speed is an exposure tool yes, but it can also be a creative decision you need to make before you make any other choices. 

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Lesson 5: ISO

If you are getting, or have ever gotten grainy photos, well this is why. ISO in your camera is an amazing tool but when used incorrectly it can be detrimental to your photos leaving you questioning if you are capable of taking a clean image. Well, truth is you definitely can take a clean image, but you might want to leave the ISO alone. In this video I'll teach you how to use ISO effectively, and when not to use it.

Lesson 6: Focus Modes

Now that you have proper exposure and understand the tools that are offered to you in your aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, you still have to focus the camera on what you want it to see. With modern cameras this can be quite easy, but there are a lot of options available to you, and depending on your situation, and which aperture you've selected this could be more difficult than you think. Lets go through some focus options and make sure your photos are tack sharp!

Lesson 7: White Balance

I know it sounds pretty basic, but do you actually know how to use it to your advantage when shooting? Did you know that colors work in Kelvin? Who the heck is Kelvin?! In this video we talk about color temperatures and how to set your camera up for success to "balance the whites" or make creative colorful decisions.

Lesson 8: Burst Modes & Shutter Options

Different than "shutter speed", burst modes and shutter options give you a few extra tools to make sure you're capturing THE moment at the right moment. Different cameras boast higher, or lower, shutter options as a tool to help you capture the moment in fractions of a second. Or you might be someone who enjoys long exposures, rollers, selfies, or capturing starry night skys. In this video we discuss those options and sometimes limitations!

Lesson 9: Exposure Examples

I can't go with you on every shoot, but these are some settings I would use as a starting point. Whether it's cloudy, sunny, rolling, or otherwise lets get you set with where to prioritize your settings. But I feel confident if you've been taking notes during this course that you'll be more than ok out in the real world.

Final Thoughts & Course Summery

It's time, time to get off your but and start taking photos in Manual mode! The only way you will understand these concepts is to actually implement them, practice them, test them out for yourself. Understanding these skills and your camera is the baseline foundation of being able to excel as a content creator and eventually being able to make money to fund this creative venture. 

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